Home > Indian > Rare > Ojas
Meaning Body Strength Light Virility Energy
Gender Boy
Numerology TBD
Origin India
Country India
Ctaegory Modern

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OJAS Name Popularity

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Harjas Praise of the God One who sings Gods praises Girl 3 Punjabi India Punjabi
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Tejas Sharpness Boy 1 Bengali Bangladesh Bengali
Ojas Body Strength Boy 9 Kannada India Kannada
Harjas Praise of the God Girl Kannada India Kannada
Gurjas Fame of Lord Fame of Guru Boy Kannada India Kannada
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Tejas Sharp Lustre Brilliance Boy 1 Marathi India Marathi
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Gianjas In praise of divine knowledge Boy 7 Sikh India Sikh
Gunjas Praise of excellence Boy 9 Sikh India Sikh
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Anjas Fortright Boy 9 TAMIL INDIA TAMIL
Gurjas Fame of Lord Boy 4 TAMIL INDIA TAMIL
Ojas brilliance, shine, glow Boy 9 TAMIL INDIA TAMIL
Anjas Fortright Boy 9 TELUGU INDIA TELUGU
Gurjas Fame of Lord Boy 4 TELUGU INDIA TELUGU
Ojas brilliance, shine, glow Boy 9 TELUGU INDIA TELUGU


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