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All Holy Names of Prophet Muhammad


Are you looking for a holy Islamic name for your newborn baby Boy? To help you in searching for Quranic baby boy names, we have created an extensive list of the 201 most popular names of Prophet Muhammad.

Choose a unique name from our newest collection of the most popular Prophet Muhammad Names with meaning.

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Name Meaning Origin Gender Numerology
Abdullah Slave of AllahIslamBoy 7
Abu-Ibrahim Father of IbrahimIslamBoy 3
Abu-l-Qasim Father of QasimIslamBoy 5
Abu-t-Tahir Father of TahirIslamBoy 1
Abu-t-Tayyib Father of TayyibIslamBoy 9
Afuww Much-PardoningIslamBoy 2
Ahid RepellerIslamBoy 4
Ahmad Greatest of PraisersIslamBoy 9
Ajir ProtectorIslamBoy 2
Alamu-l-Huda Banner of GuidanceIslamBoy 4
Alamu-l-Iman Sign of FaithIslamBoy 7
Alamu-l-Yaqin Sign of CertaintyIslamBoy 9
Amin TrustworthyIslamBoy 1
An-Najmu-th-thaqib Shining StarIslamBoy 6
Aqib Last in SuccessionIslamBoy 2
Aynu-l-Ghurr Superior of the Enlightened OnesIslamBoy 1
Aynu-n-Naim Source of BlissIslamBoy 4
Aziz MightyIslamBoy 8
Baligh AccomplishedIslamBoy 3
Barr DutifulIslamBoy 3
Bushra Glad TidingsIslamBoy 6
Dai CallerIslamBoy 5
Dalilu-l-Khayrat Guide to BenefitsIslamBoy 2
Dhikrullah Remembrance of AllahIslamBoy 5
Dhu-Fadl Possessor of VirtueIslamBoy 2
Dhu-Hurmah Possessor of SanctityIslamBoy 3
Dhu-Izz Possessor of GloryIslamBoy 4
Dhu-Makanah Possessor of a Mighty StationIslamBoy 1
Dhu-Quwwah Possessor of MightIslamBoy 9
Faaihu-l-Lisan Eloquent of TongueIslamBoy 5
Fadil OutstandingIslamBoy 5
Fatih ConquerorIslamBoy 8
Ghawth AidIslamBoy 4
Ghayth ReliefIslamBoy 6
Ghiyath SuccourIslamBoy 6
Habibullah Beloved of AllahIslamBoy 4
Hadi GuideIslamBoy 4
Hadiyyatullah Gift of AllahIslamBoy 3
Hafiyy WelcomingIslamBoy 2
Haqq TruthIslamBoy 7
Harisun-Alaykum Most Concerned for YouIslamBoy 3
Hashir GathererIslamBoy 9
Hizbullah Party of AllahIslamBoy 9
Huda GuidanceIslamBoy 7
Iklil CrownIslamBoy 8
Imamu-l-Muttaqin Leader of the God-fearingIslamBoy 4
Izzu-l-Arab Glory of the ArabsIslamBoy 8
Jabbar RectifierIslamBoy 7
Jami Embodier of all VirtuesIslamBoy 6
Kafi SufficerIslamBoy 9
Kafil GuarantorIslamBoy 3
Kalimullah One Addressed by AllahIslamBoy 1
Kamil CompleteIslamBoy 1
Karim NobleIslamBoy 7
Karimu-l-Makhraj Most Noble in LineageIslamBoy 3
Kashifu-l-Kurab Dispeller of FearsIslamBoy 5
Khalilu-r-Rahman Intimate Friend of the All-MercifulIslamBoy 3
Khatibu-l-Umam Speaker Addressing All NationsIslamBoy 6
Khatimu-r-Rusul Seal of the EmissariesIslamBoy 3
Mabarr Fulfiller of OathsIslamBoy 8
Maduww Called UponIslamBoy 4
Mahdiyy GuidedIslamBoy 4
Mahi EffacerIslamBoy 4
Mahmud Praised OneIslamBoy 6
Makhsus-bi-l-Izz One Singled out for GloryIslamBoy 5
Makhsus-bi-l-Majd One Distinguished by SplendourIslamBoy 8
Makhsus-bi-sh-Sharaf One Distinguished by NobilityIslamBoy 3
Makin UnshakeableIslamBoy 3
Malum Known OneIslamBoy 6
Mamun TrustedIslamBoy 8
Mansur One Granted VictoryIslamBoy 5
Mashhud One Witnessed toIslamBoy 2
Matin FirmIslamBoy 3
Mawsul ConnectedIslamBoy 8
Miftah KeyIslamBoy 3
Miftahu-l-Jannah Key to the GardenIslamBoy 3
Miftahu-r-Rahmah Key to MercyIslamBoy 1
Muammil HopefulIslamBoy 1
Muballigh ConveyorIslamBoy 4
Mubashshir Bringer of Good NewsIslamBoy 1
Mubin Evident, ClarifierIslamBoy 5
Muddaththir Enwrapped in His RobeIslamBoy 9
Mudhakkir One Who RemindsIslamBoy 6
Mufaddal FavouredIslamBoy 8
Muhammad Oft-PraisedIslamBoy 2
Muhaymin GuardianIslamBoy 5
Muhdi GuiderIslamBoy 1
Muhyi ReviverIslamBoy 4
Mujab AnsweredIslamBoy 2
Mujib Answerer to the CallIslamBoy 1
Mujtaba SelectedIslamBoy 5
Mukarram EnnobledIslamBoy 6
Mukhtar Preferred OneIslamBoy 2
Muktafi ContentedIslamBoy 9
Mundhir AdmonisherIslamBoy 6
Munir Giver of LightIslamBoy 3
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Around The Angelsname

Around The Angelsname