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Top 600 Quranic Girl Names With Meaning


Are you looking for a unique and trendy Islamic name for your newborn baby Girl? To help you in searching for trendy and unique Muslim baby names, we have created an extensive list of 600 Quranic baby Girl names.

All the Quranic girl names are sorted with their meaning, numerology, and origin respectively. Choose an adorable Muslim girl name from our newest collection of Top 600 Islamic baby girl names inspired by the Quran.

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Name Meaning Origin Gender Numerology
Aafiya Good health, Bin Ayyub had this name, he was a narrator of HadithQuranicGirl 7
Aafreen Brave, AcclaimQuranicGirl 5
Aaila Beautiful, Like moonQuranicGirl 6
Aakifah Devoted, Dedicated,A lady who worships Allah in solitudeQuranicGirl 1
Aala Bounties, BlessingsQuranicGirl 6
Aaliya High, Tall, Towering, ExcellentQuranicGirl 4
Aaliyah Exalted one, nobleQuranicGirl 3
Aasia HopeQuranicGirl 4
Aasiya One who helps the weakQuranicGirl 2
Aasma Sky, exalted oneQuranicGirl 8
Aatikah GenerousQuranicGirl 6
Aayat Verses of the QuranQuranicGirl 3
Abeer FragranceQuranicGirl 4
Abeera Rose, Sandal Saffron Mixed Together In FragranceQuranicGirl 5
Abigail Joy of the FatherQuranicGirl 5
Abiha Her FatherQuranicGirl 3
Abira My Strength, Ghor karnay waliQuranicGirl 4
Abrish One who pours water Pani ki tarha taiz bahna QuranicGirl 3
Adiba Cultured, Refined, Elam o adab jaan-nay waliQuranicGirl 8
Afiya Health Swahili originQuranicGirl 6
Afrin Praise, luckyQuranicGirl 3
Afsa Prophet Mohammeds PBUH wifeQuranicGirl 9
Afsana story, fable, epic taleQuranicGirl 6
Ahlem dreamQuranicGirl 3
Aida Returner, Visitor of the sickQuranicGirl 6
Aidah Favour, graceQuranicGirl 5
Aima Rehbar, Paishwa, Rehnuma, Leader, Ruler hukmaran QuranicGirl 6
Aimal Desire, Wish,QuranicGirl 9
Ain Eye, Fountain, SpringQuranicGirl 6
Aira The beginning, The principle, The breathe of life, Of the WindQuranicGirl 2
Airah Noble, respectful Ihtram Karne Wala QuranicGirl 1
Aisha Lively Woman Life, Aaram Panay WaliQuranicGirl 2
Aiza NobleQuranicGirl 1
Aizah Noble, Verified, Izzat waliQuranicGirl 9
Ajia Superb, WonderfulQuranicGirl 3
Ajwa Name of a date in Saudia ArabiaQuranicGirl 8
Alaya High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb, Greatness, Highness, SublimityQuranicGirl 4
Alayna Princess IranianQuranicGirl 9
Aleena Bright, Fair, Good-Looking, Achi dikhayi denay wali, Haseen, Khoob sooratQuranicGirl 2
Aleya High, TallQuranicGirl 8
Alima floret, small flowerQuranicGirl 9
Alina Bright, Fair, Good-Looking, Achi dikhayi denay wali, Haseen, Khoob sooratQuranicGirl 1
Alisha Protected by Allah, Honesty, Truthful, Mazbooti say baandhna, Strong tieQuranicGirl 5
Aliza Aliza meaning in urdu is The Daughter Of Ali RAQuranicGirl 4
Alizay See detail below in Additional InfoQuranicGirl 2
Alizey FlowerQuranicGirl 6
Alyan High Status, Exalted, Sublime and SuperbQuranicGirl 8
Amah Name of sahabiya raQuranicGirl 5
Amal Hope, Expectation, AspirationQuranicGirl 9
Amalia AspirationsQuranicGirl 1
Aman Safety and Security, Peace of mind, Sureness, TrustQuranicGirl 2
Amanah trust,devotion,guardianship,loyaltyQuranicGirl 2
Amani Wishes, AspirationsQuranicGirl 2
Amany A WishQuranicGirl 9
Amatullah Servant of AllahQuranicGirl 8
Amaya Night rainQuranicGirl 5
Ameera Princess, leaderQuranicGirl 7
Ameira Princess, leaderQuranicGirl 2
Amina Honest, Faithful, Mother Of The Prophet MuhammadQuranicGirl 2
Aminah Honest, Trustworthy, Truthful, ReliableQuranicGirl 1
Ammara She who commands, Eternal, Unfading, Bitter, ilm o hikmat wali taajQuranicGirl 2
Amna Honest, Faithful, TrustworthyQuranicGirl 2
Amrah KhushhaalQuranicGirl 5
Amraha Good newsQuranicGirl 6
Amyra A princess leaderQuranicGirl 4
Anahid The immaculateQuranicGirl 1
Anam Present, Precious Gift from Allah ,which will change the world through her smileQuranicGirl 2
Anamta Nematon wali Blessing QuranicGirl 5
Anayah Allah ka inamQuranicGirl 5
Aneesa Gentle, Good Friend and CompanionQuranicGirl 9
Anfa High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb, Self-respect, Dignity Oncha, Shandar QuranicGirl 4
Anifa Dignified, One who has self-respectQuranicGirl 4
Anika Goddess durgaQuranicGirl 9
Aniza Staff, Sword Talwar QuranicGirl 6
Anjum Stars, Sitaray, Najm ki jamaQuranicGirl 5
Anoosha delighted, happyQuranicGirl 1
Ansharah When the heart becomes open, Relief, Relaxation, CheerQuranicGirl 7
Arba FourthQuranicGirl 4
Areesha Built StructureQuranicGirl 3
Arooba Happy and optimistic woman, Woman who loves her husband, Woman who is loved by her husbandQuranicGirl 7
Aroosa Bride, Dulhan, BeautifulQuranicGirl 6
Aroosh Angel of the heavenQuranicGirl 4
Aroush Angel of paradiseQuranicGirl 1
Arsala LionessQuranicGirl 7
Arsheen Princess of Sky, A beautiful soft hearted and kind girl who helps, respects, shares and is loved by everyone Asmano ki sahazadi QuranicGirl 7
Arshi Belonging to a Throne, Worthy of a ThroneQuranicGirl 1
Arwa Mountain gazelle, SatisfiedQuranicGirl 7
Arwaa Softness, Lightness, Agility, Liveliness, BeautyQuranicGirl 8
Arya NobleQuranicGirl 9
Asfa Purer, Clearer, PurestQuranicGirl 9
Asfiya Pure ones, Just ones, Holy onesQuranicGirl 7
Ashiya Life and AliveQuranicGirl 9
Ashwaq Love, affectionsQuranicGirl 6
Asia sunriseQuranicGirl 3
Asifa Munazzam karnay walaQuranicGirl 9
Asil Noble, DecentQuranicGirl 5
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