Connor Name Meaning, Origin, Personality Traits and Horoscope

Check out the detailed information about name Connor. In this page we have broadly discussed about the name Connor. Browse Connor Name's meaning, Origin, Numerology details. Here you will find complete deliberation about the name Connor like, Personality, Love, Family, Career & Job. Especially our astrologer has given an enlightened guidance to live a pleasant life to the people bearing this name Connor.

Connor Name Detail Analysis

  • Connor is a Boy name.
  • Connor name meaning is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf, wise, Wolf Lover, Exalted, Love and Friendship, Exalted; Wise; High Longing, Desire, Lover of Hounds, Lover of Wolves, Master of Hounds, Dog lover, Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf, Love, Much Wanted, Wise, Lover of wolves or lover of hounds, Lover of hounds, wolf lover.

Connor Name Meaning in Different Origins

  • Connor meaning in Indigenous Australian Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf
  • Connor meaning in Canada Origin is wise
  • Connor meaning in Irish Origin is Wolf Lover
  • Connor meaning in Austrailian Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf
  • Connor meaning in Christian Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf
  • Connor meaning in England Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf
  • Connor meaning in Hebrew Origin is Exalted
  • Connor meaning in Irish Origin is Love and Friendship
  • Connor meaning in American Origin is Exalted; Wise; High Longing
  • Connor meaning in Irish Origin is Desire
  • Connor meaning in Irish Origin is Exalted
  • Connor meaning in American Origin is Lover of Hounds, Lover of Wolves, Master of Hounds
  • Connor meaning in American Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf
  • Connor meaning in Irish Origin is Dog lover
  • Connor meaning in Australia Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf, Love
  • Connor meaning in Austrian Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf
  • Connor meaning in Celtic Origin is Much Wanted
  • Connor meaning in British Origin is Exalted, Wise, High Longing, Wolf, Love
  • Connor meaning in Canadian Origin is Dog lover
  • Connor meaning in Canadian Origin is Wise
  • Connor meaning in Canadian Origin is Lover of wolves or lover of hounds
  • Connor meaning in Irish Origin is Lover of hounds, wolf lover

Numerology details of name Connor

C 3
O 6
N 5
N 5
O 6
R 9

Numerology of the Name Connor is 7
The number SEVEN is visionary in nature.

Based on numerology value 7, Connor is Perceptive, Intellectual, Mysterious, Spiritual, Reserved, Skeptical, Solitary, Introspective, Analytical.

Connor has intellectual natures. Connor is always in search of what is interesting or true. Connor is not easily swayed by others and is an imaginative thinker.

Childhood shyness makes Connor very vulnerable. Connor choose friends with great care and rarely share secrets. Connor hesitate to show your sensual side. Connor is also a naive romantic dreamer. Connor is also very emotional and expect a lot from your relationships.

Connor : Personality, Love & Family

Connor is quite analytical and sensible in nature, and he is capable of achieving many things in life, especially the life in its spiritual form.

Connor has an attractive personality and possess a magnetic charm. Connor is smart, humorous, and like to show off his skills to the people around him.

Connor will have a good married life. Connor has a natural attraction towards those born under numbers 4, 7 and 9.

Connor : Career & Job

Connor may experience great success in the field of business, science, and research, religion, invention, imports and exports, book publications, dealing in electronic items, pharmaceuticals, photography, politics. Professions which suite Connor are teacher, philosopher and actor.

Tips for Connor

You are an introvert but you must take care not to get isolated from others. You have to try and maintain your independence without getting cut off from society.
Over-thinking a situation is the greatest weakness of Connor. You should have an even approach towards issues you feel strongly about. You must control your anger and learn to be more compassionate and understanding. Look at the larger picture and respect the other person's point of view.

  • Lucky Color of Connor - Light Green, Light Blue, Light Yellow
  • Lucky Number of Connor - 1, 2
  • Romance Number of Connor - 4, 7, 9
  • Lucky Day of Connor - Sunday & Monday
  • Ruling Planet of Connor - Neptune
  • Luck Gemstone of Connor - Cat's Eye
  • Benefits of the Gemstone Cat's Eye - This gem bestows name, fame, wealth, popularity, longevity and magnetism upon its wearer.

Characteristic of Connor

  • Number 7 is a thinker and a saint. It is creative, unconventional & moody. It is the most spiritual of all numbers.
  • It is mental, analytical, focussed, contemplative and meditative.
  • They are good speakers and have the ability to mobilize public opinion in favour of their arguments; even their opponents have to agree with their points of view.
  • They are good writers, painters and poets and can express their ideas through any medium.
  • They quickly get involved in the affairs of land and the people they visit.
  • Perceptive - Connor is insightful, intelligent, and able to see what others cannot.
  • Intellectual - Connor is an Intelligent person, quick learner, can deal with difficult situations.
  • Mysterious - Connor is a bit mysterious to others.
  • Spiritual - Connor cares about people, animals and the planet.
  • Reserved - Connor is a person who doesn't share his feelings, thoughts or emotions.
  • Skeptical - Connor is a person who tend to question statements, opinions, and conclusions.
  • Solitary - Connor is self-contained single, lonely or alone person, do not require interaction with others in order to enjoy their experiences or to get on in life.
  • Introspective - Connor accept and learn from their mistakes, and increase their self-awareness.
  • Analytical - Connor is creative, having problem solving skills which helps to solve difficult problems in life.

Analysis of the Name "Connor"

In every name, each letters have specific meanings that describe the nature of the name. Below in table, each letter of name Connor described.

C You have Qualities to inspire others.
O You are responsible, curious, nurturing and self-determined.
N You love adventure, independence and remaining focused.
N You are unconventional, creative and original person.
O You are very strong and disciplined and want to succeed no matter what.
R You are realistic, tolerant, efficient, self-determined and compassionate person.


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