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of the name - Akul

AKUL Name Popularity

Similar Names To Akul:-
Name Meaning Gender Numerology Origin Country Category
Akul A name of LordShiva Boy 9 Hindu India Hindu
Anakul Calm Boy 6 Hindu India Hindu
Anukul Favorable,Pleasant Boy 8 Hindu India Hindu
Mukul Bloom, Bud, Lovely, Mahendra Boy Punjabi India Punjabi
Bakul A Kind of Tree Flower Boy Punjabi India Punjabi
Gokul TBD Boy Punjabi India Punjabi
Akul a name of Lord Shiva Boy 9 SANSKRIT India SANSKRIT
Bakul a kind of tree Boy 2 SANSKRIT India SANSKRIT
Gokul a village near Mathura Boy 3 SANSKRIT India SANSKRIT
Nakul One of among five Pandavas Twin brother of Sahdev Boy 5 Assamese India Assamese
Mukul Bud Girl Assamese India Assamese
Sankul Full of Girl Assamese India Assamese
Bakul Flower Boy 2 Bengali Bangladesh Bengali
Gokul A place where lord krishna was brought up Boy 3 Bengali Bangladesh Bengali
Makul A bud Boy 4 Bengali Bangladesh Bengali
Akul Lord Shiva Boy 9 Kannada India Kannada
Bakul A Kind of Tree Flower Boy Kannada India Kannada
Sankul Crowded Together Dense Boy Kannada India Kannada
Akul Great Lord Shiva Boy Marathi India Marathi
Gokul TBD Boy Marathi India Marathi
Prakul Good Looking, Interactive Boy Marathi India Marathi
Kul Family, Total, Entire 8 Girl Sikh India Sikh
Kul Family, Total, Entire 8 Girl Sikh India Sikh
Akul a name of Lord Shiva Boy 9 TAMIL INDIA TAMIL
Bakul a kind of tree Boy 2 TAMIL INDIA TAMIL
Gokul a village near Mathura Boy 3 TAMIL INDIA TAMIL
Akul a name of Lord Shiva Boy 9 TELUGU INDIA TELUGU
Bakul a kind of tree Boy 2 TELUGU INDIA TELUGU
Gokul a village near Mathura Boy 3 TELUGU INDIA TELUGU


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